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Đề cương ôn tập HK1 môn Tiếng Anh 7 năm 2020-2021 - Trường THCS Phước Nguyên

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Đề cương ôn tập HK1 môn Tiếng Anh 7 năm 2020-2021 - Trường THCS Phước Nguyên là tài liệu ôn thi rất hữu ích dành cho các bạn học sinh lớp 7, giúp các em củng cố kiến thức, trau dồi thêm kỹ năng làm bài thi để hoàn thành tốt nhất bài thi Tiếng Anh trong kì thi kết thúc học kì 1 sắp tới.

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Nội dung Text: Đề cương ôn tập HK1 môn Tiếng Anh 7 năm 2020-2021 - Trường THCS Phước Nguyên

  1. REVISION FOR THE FIRST-TERM TEST ENGLISH 7 - ACADEMIC YEAR: 2020-2021 A. KNOWLEDGE: ( KIẾN THỨC) 1. The present simple tense (Thì hiện tại đơn) a. Form: * Tobe: is, am, are (+): S + is/ am / are + O/ N. Ex. She (be) is twelve years old. Ex. I (not be) am not in Ba Ria. (-): S + isn't / am not / aren't + O / N. (?): Is / Are + S + O / N ? Ex.Is she (be) twelve years old ? Yes, S + is / am / are. Yes, she (be) is. No, S + isn't / aren't / am not. * Nomal verb ( động từ thường): Ex.He ( live) lives in Ba Ria. (+): S + V(s, es) + O They (live) live in Phuoc Nguyen. Ex.He doesn't lives in Ba Ria. (-): S + don't / doesn't + V + O They don't live in Phuoc Nguyen. (?): Do / Does + S + V + O? Ex. Does He live in Ba Ria? Yes, S + do / does. Do They live in Phuoc Nguyen? No, S + don't / doesn't. b. Dấu hiệu nhận biết của thì hiện tại đơn: - Trạng từ chỉ tần xuất: always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, seldom, never. - Các trạng từ chỉ thời gian: every + time (every day), today, nowadays, Sundays. 2. Future simple tense: ( Thì tương lai đơn) a. Form: Ex. We ( do) will do the first term test next (+): S + will / shall + V + O. week. (-): S + will not / shall not + V + O. Ex. We ( not do) won't do the first term test won't / shan't tomorrow. (?): Will / Shall not + S + V + O ? Ex. Will you ( go) go to school tomorrow ? Yes, S + will / shall. Yes, I will. No, S + won't / shan't. b. Dấu hiệu nhận biết: tomorrow ( ngày mai); next + time ( next week, next Monday, next Spring,...); in the future ( trong tương lai). 1
  2. 3. The past simple tense: (Thì quá khứ đơn) a. Form: Sentence Normal verb Tobe Câu khẳng định S + V-ed / V2 + O S + was / were + O Câu phủ định S + didn't + V + O S + was/ were + not + O Câu hỏi Did + S + V + O ? Was / Were + S + O ? b. Dấu hiệu nhận biết: Yesterday, ago, last week/ month/ year, in the past, in 2016,... Ex: Uncle Ho passed away in 1969. c. Cách thêm ed: • Thêm -d vào sau các động từ theo quy tắc tận cùng là -ee hoặc -e Ex. live  lived love  loved agree  agreed • Đối với các động từ theo quy tắc một âm tiết, tận cùng bằng một nguyên âm + một phụ âm ( trừ h, w, x), ta phải gấp đôi phụ âm trước khi thêm -ed. Ex. fit  fitted stop  stopped fix  fixe- • Động từ tận cùng bằng - y, ta chia ra làm hai trường hợp: - Trước y là một phụ âm, ta biến y thành i trước khi thêm -ed: study  studied - Trước y là một nguyên âm, ta thêm -ed bình thường: play  played. • Với các động từ còn lại , ta thêm -ed: work  worked, learn  learned. 4. The present perfect tense: (Thì Hiện tại hoàn thành) a. Form: Sentence Normal verb Tobe Câu khẳng định S + has/have + V-ed / V3 + O S + has/have + been + O Câu phủ định S + hasn't/haven't + V-ed/V3 + O S + has/have + not +been+ O Câu hỏi Has/Have + S + V-ed/V3 + O ? Has/Have + S + been + O ? b. Cách thành lập quá khứ phân từ V3: - Với động từ thường theo quy tắc, thêm -ed vào sau động từ đó: work  worked, play  played. - Với động từ bất quy tắc, tra cột quá khứ phân từ 3 của bảng động từ bất quy tắc: bring  brought, sing  sung. d. Dấu hiệu nhận biết: *. since và for: - for + khoảng thời gian: for two days, for ten years,… - since + mốc thời gian: since 1994, since February,… Ex.We have studied English for ten years. We have studied English since 2005. * already và yet: - already dùng trong câu khẳng định, thường đứng ngay sau have/has, thỉnh thoảng sẽ đứng cuối câu. Ex. We have already written our reports. We have written our reports already. - yet dùng trong câu phủ định và câu nghi vấn, thường đứng ở cuối câu. Ex.We haven't written our reports yet. Have you written your reports yet ? * Một số trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian khác: Các trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian sau thường dùng với HTHT: so far, until now, up to now, up to present, recently, lately,… 5. Verbs of liking + V-ing: ( một số động từ theo sau bởi V-ing) * Form: S + like / enjoy / love / prefer Ex. She like) eating chewing gum. don't like / dislike / hate + V-ing + O He doesn't like watching TV. start / begin They start learning at 7:30. finish / stop / end They finish learning at 11:30. 2
  3. 6. Imperatives with more and less: Ta thêm more hoặc less vào sau động từ, loại câu này thường dùng để đưa ra lời khuyên. Ex: Eat less fast food ! Do more exercises ! 7. Compound sentence: * Cách dùng: - Khi muốn nối 2 mệnh đề của một câu hoặc 2 câu với nhau, ta sử dụng các từ nối để thành lập câu ghép. Các từ nối phổ biến và đơn giản nhất đó là: and, or, but, so. - Ngoài ra, ta cũng thường xuyên gặp những từ nối sau: because, although / eventhough/ though Ex: I love fish. I love chicken too  I love fish and chicken. It is raining. I have to stay at home.  Because it is raining, I have to stay at home. 8.1. So sánh bằng / không bằng: a. So sánh bằng: S1 + tobe + as + adj + as + S2 Ex. She is as tall as her mother. b. So sánh không bằng: S1 + tobe not + as + adj + as/ so + S2 Ex. He isn't as weigh as his father. 8.2. So giống nhau / không giống nhau: a. So sánh giống nhau: S1 + tobe + the same + adj/n + as + S2 Ex. She is the same tall as I. b. So sánh không giống nhau: S1 + tobe not + the same + adj/n + as + S2 Ex: She isn't the same beautiful as her mother. 8.3. So sánh khác nhau : S1 + tobe + different from + S2 Ex: She isn't the same beautiful as her mother. 9. Đáp lại sự đồng tình với too, so, either và neither: a. Đồng tình trong câu khẳng định: Mệnh đề chính Mệnh đề phụ Tobe S + tobe + … and + S + tobe, too. and so + tobe + S. Normal verb S + V +… and + S + do/does/did, too. and so + do/does/did + S. EX. I am happy, and you are, too. I work for a school, and she does, too. 3
  4. b. Đồng tình trong câu phủ định: Mệnh đề chính Mệnh đề phụ Tobe S + tobe + not … and + S + tobe not, too. and so + tobe not + S. Normal verb S + don't/ doesn't/ didn't + V +… and + S + do/does/did + not, too. and so + do/does/did + not + S. EX. She isn't a doctor, and he isn't, either. I didn't see him, and Janny didn't, either. 10. How many, how much: ( bao nhiêu) a. How many: Dùng trước danh từ đếm được số nhiều. How many + noun-s / noun-es + are there…… ? There is + a/an/one + singular noun. There are + số lượng + plural noun-s/es. Ex: How many people are there in your family ? There are five people. b. How much: Dùng trước danh từ không đếm được. How much + non - count noun + is there ….? + do/does/ did + V + O ? There is + some + non - count noun . S + V + SL + …... Ex: How much water do you drink everyday ? Two liters. * Ngoài ra how much còn thường được dùng khi hỏi giá cả: EX. How much does that shirt ? - 50.000 dong. 11. A, An, Some, Any: a. A và An (một) -A và An được dùng cho danh từ số ít đếm được. A đứng trước phụ âm, An đứng trước nguyên âm Ex: a cat, a house, an ocean, an hour. b. Some và Any ( một vài, một ít) - Some được dùng cho các danh từ không đếm được hoặc đếm được số nhiều trong câu khẳng định. Ex: There is some water . There are some books on the desk. - Any được dùng cho các danh từ không đếm được hoặc đếm được số nhiều ở trong câu phủ định và câu hỏi. EX. There isn't any food. Are there any chairs in the room ? 12. Passive voice: ( Câu bị động) a. Cách dùng: Trong câu bị động, chủ ngữ nhận tác động của hành động. Câu bị động được dùng khi muốn nhấn mạnh đến đối tượng chịu tác động chịu tác động của hành động. Nếu trong câu có 2 tân ngữ, nếu muốn nhấn mạnh tân ngữ nào thì đưa tân ngữ đó lên làm chủ ngữ, thường chủ ngữ hợp lý của câu bị động sẽ là tân ngữ gián tiếp. Ex: I gave him a book.  He was given a book by me. 4
  5.  A book was given to him by me. b. Quy tắc đổi câu chủ động sang câu bị động: - Đưa tân ngữ của câu chủ động lên làm chủ ngữ câu bị động. - Động từ của câu chủ động chuyển về dạng tobe + V3 trong câu bị động. Thì của câu bị động chia theo thì của câu chủ động. - Chủ ngữ của câu chủ động đưa về dạng by + O. - Cụm từ chỉ thời gian trong câu chủ động đặt sau by + O của câu bị động. S + V + O + (time).  S + tobe + V3/V-ed + by O + (time) Ex: I gave him a book.  He was given a book by me.  A book was given to him by me. 3. Cấu trúc câu bị động các dạng cụ thể: a. Thì hiện tại đơn: S + is / am / are + V3 / V-ed + by O + (time). EX. I do my homework everyday.  My homework is done by me everyday. b. Thì quá khứ đơn: S + was / were + V3 / V-ed + by O + (time) Ex. She washed clothes last night.  Clothes were washed by her last night. c. Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn: S + is/ am/ are + being + V3 / V-ed + by O + (time). Ex. He is watering the vegetables in the garden now.  The vegetables are being watered by him now. B. EXERCISES A. MULTIPLE CHOICES: I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others. 1. a. pottery b. flower c. silent d. service 2. a. girl b. expert c. open d. burn 3. a. myth b. cycling c. itchy d. allergy 4. a. headache b. spread c. health d. weak 5. a. global b. geography c. green d. big 6. a. tutor b. volunteer c. student d. community 7. a. graffiti b. garage c. general d. globe 8. a. dish b. sugar c. shoes d. sing 9. a. vision b. pressure c. washer d. machine 10. a. bread b. beef c. meat d. tea 11. a. audience b. sauce c. sausage d. taught 12. a. visited b.founded c. decided d. developed 13. a. heritage b.historic c. recognise d. literature 14. a. food b. cook c. soup d. noodle 15.a. salt b. tablet c. ham d. pancake II. Choose the best answer by circling A, B, C or D: 1. We ________ swimming because it’s fun and good exercise. a. like b. are liking c. will like d. liked 5
  6. 2. My grandparents don’t like ________ in the city because it’s noisy and crowded. a. live b. lived c. living d. to living 3. Fire needs oxygen to burn. It ________ without oxygen. a. burn b. burns c. don’t burn d. doesn’t burn 4. How much time do you spend ________ the Internet per day? a. surf b. to surf c. surfing d. to be surfing 5. I don’t mind ________ a DVD, but I prefer ________ to the cinema. a. to watch - to go b. watching – go c. to watch – going d. watching – to go 6. My father can make beautiful pieces of art ________ empty eggshells. a. of b. from c. in d. into 7. Why don’t you take ________ a new hobby? a. up b. in c. over d. after 8. Collecting cars is a(n) ________ hobby. It costs a lot of money. a. interesting b. cheap c. expensive d. unusual 9. More people are ________ birds today than ever before. a. seeing b. looking c. hearing d. watching 10. Do you enjoy ________ board games? a. play b. to play c. playing d. played 11. Saxophones are used mainly for __________ jazz music. a. composing b. taking c.playing d. writing 12. I went to the 3D __________ last weekend. The paintings were excellent! a. movie theater b. concert hall c. opera house museum 13. _______ I’m not a fan of country music, I thoroughly enjoyed his lively performance. a. Although b. Because c.As d. However 14. __________ does a water puppet show take place? ~ In a pool. a. What b. When c.How d. Where 15. Which is the national anthem of Vietnam? a. Tieu Doan 307 b.Chien si Viet Nam c. Tien Quan Ca d. Tien ve Ha Noi 16. Pho is always served ________ fresh herbs, bean sprouts, sliced-up chiles, and lime. a. for b. with c. in d. on 17. This cake is made _________ fresh butter and eggs. a. in b. of c. by d. from 18. You don’t need to take _________ food on the trip. a. a b. some c. any d. the 19. We need a _________ of bread to make the sandwiches for everyone. a. carton b. bar c. loaf d. tube 20. There was some ham _________ from lunch. a. leave b. leaving c. to leave d. left 21. British author George Orwell ___________ the novel Animal Farm. a. writes b. wrote c. is written d. was written 22. My passport ___________ last year while I was on vacation. a. stole b. has stolen c. was steal d. was stolen 23. Breakfast ___________ in this hotel until 7a.m. a. served b. didn’t serve c. isn’t served d. isn’t serving 24. Most email accounts at my company ___________ by virus two days ago. a. affected b. were affected c. was affected d. are affected 25. Someone ___________ this mirror last night. a. breaks b. is broken c. broke d. was broken 26. Oxford University is regarded ________ the oldest university in the UK. a. as d. by 27. Tickets are a bit harder to buy right on the pot, so you’d better book______ advance. 6
  7. a. for b.with c.of d. in 28. The stone stelae were ________ with the names and places of birth of 1307 graduates. a. written b.learned c.carved d.selected 29. Chu Van An was one of the most famous ________at the Imperial Academy. a. founders b.statues c.teachers d.doctors 30. The students of the Imperial Academy ________ by very famous scholars. a. are studied b. were taught c. have learned d. was educated III. Find the mistakes in the following sentences 1. My father hates drive motorbike to work in the morning. ................ A B C D 2. I go to the beach with Staney and Peter next week. ................ A B C D 3. My younger sister like building beautiful sandcastles on the beach. ................ A B C D 4. It will be good for her if she relax more. ..................... A B C D 5. You shouldn’t take up a sport. It will make your health better. ..................... A B C D 6. Drink more water, but you will not be so thirsty. ..................... A B C D 7. You should eat much junk food because you will be fat soon. ...................... A B C D 8. I enjoy discover historic places in Ha Noi, and neither does she. ...................... A B C D 9. She is at the same old as me. ...................... A B C D 10. Huong Pagoda were visited by my mother and her friends last month. ..................... A B C D B. READING: 1. Choose the best answer to complete the passage: Headache is a very common disease. The symptoms (1)…….. a headache are various. People may (2)……….. pains only one side of the head. Sometimes when the pain goes away, the head is sore. People have a headache (3) …………. they work too hard or they are too nervous about something. (4)……….. can help cure the disease but people usually have to do more than taking tablets. They can prevent headaches by changing their diets or their (5)…………… or simply by going to bed. 1. A. on B. in C. of D. at 2. A. be B. have C. happen D. take 3. A. when B. but C. so D. and 4. A. Medicine B. Doctor C. Sport D. Fruit 5. A. life B. lifestyles C. hobbies D. working 2. Choose the word which best fits each gap. Pho might be Vietnam’s (1) _______ famous dish, butbun cha is the top choice when it comes to lunchtime in Hanoi. It doesn’t matter if you eat bun cha in a restaurant or a small cart on the street, you will be (2) _______ by a plate of vermicelli (bun), a bowl of broth with grilled pork and a (3) _______ of fresh herbs. The vermicelli and fresh herbs are pretty common in a Vietnamese restaurant. The broth and the pork are the ones that make this dish (4) _______. Bun cha sets often come with the delicious nemcua be– friedcrab spring (5) _______. Still not convinced? It’s what Obama ate during his night (6) _______ with Bourdain. 1. a. most b. the most c. best d. the best 2. a. cooked b. made c. served d. tried 7
  8. 3. a. bottle b. pot c. bar d. basket 4. a. simple b. comfort c. specially d. unique 5. a. pieces b. rolls c. halves d. slices 6. a. out b. in c. towards d. along 3. Read the text carefully and choose True (T) or False (F). The Temple of Literature (Van Mieu) was constructed in 1070 under the reign of King LyThanh Tong. The temple was originally dedicated to Confucius as well as other scholars and sages. Six year later, the Imperial Academy (QuocTuGiam), Vietnam’s first university, was founded by King Ly Nhan Tong on the grounds of the temple. Initially, the Imperial Academy was the school for princes and sons from royal families and then expanded to admit brilliant students from all over the country. In 1484 Emperor Le Thanh Tong ordered the erection of the first stone tablets that were carved with the names, places of birth and achievements of doctors. The university operated for more than 700 years, from 1076 to 1779. Nowadays, the Temple of Literature – Imperial Academy (Van Mieu - QuocTuGiam) is one of the most famous historic and cultural heritages of Vietnam. And the Doctors’ stone tablets were recognised by UNESCO as World Documentary Heritage in 2010. * Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). 1. The Temple of Literature was built to honour Confucius. 2. The Imperial Academy was founded in 1070. 3. The Imperial Academy was established within the Temple of Literature. 4. The Imperial Academy was originally established to educate students from all over the country. 5. The first Doctors’ stone tablets were erected under the Le Dynasty. 6. The Temple of Literature was recognised by UNESCO as World Heritage. C. DO AS DIRECTED: I. Complete each sentence so it means the same as the sentence above. 1. My father finds playing board games interesting. → My father is _____________________________________________________ 2. He hasn’t smoked cigarettes for a month. → The last time_____________________________________________________ 3. That apartment is more modern than any apartments. → That apartment ___________________________________________________ 4. There are over two hundred stamps in Nam’s collection. → Nam’s collection _________________________________________________ 5. I spend twenty minutes walking to school every morning. → It takes _________________________________________________________ 6. I think rock music is more popular than jazz. → I think jazz music isn’t ____________________________________________ 7. Do you like seeing a water puppet show? → Are you ________________________________________________________ 8. They perform the water puppet show in a pool. → The water puppet show ____________________________________________ 9. She hasn’t made as many mistakes as last time. (fewer) → She ____________________________________________ 10.The Eiffel Tower is as high as an 81-storey building. (same) → The Eiffel Tower _________________________________ 11. Steven Spielberg directed Jurassic Park. (by) → Jurassic Park ____________________________________ 8
  9. 12.This painting isn’t so expensive as my favourite painting. (than) → My favourite painting They’ve ______________________ 13. My English is better than my French. (as) 14.This is the first time they’ve been to Korea. (before) → They’ve ________________________________________________________ 15.How long have you been a member of Volunteers In Asia? (join) → When............................................................................................................... II. Arrange these words / phrases into the meaning sentences 1. kilos/how many/would/potatoes/of/like/you/? _______________________________________________________________ 2. but/went/I/fish/ I/ fishing/ catch/didn’t/any/. _______________________________________________________________ 3. 15/ cook/for/chicken/you/over/ the/low/minutes/heat/it/before/ serve/. _______________________________________________________________ 4. broken/tell/you/can/how/me/to/rice/cook/? _______________________________________________________________ 5. three/in/fridge/are/there/milk/the/cartons/of/. _______________________________________________________________ 6. has/but/egg/bread/got/he/an/hasn’t/he/any/got/. _______________________________________________________________ 7. electric cooker/how much/in/rice/left/the/is/? _______________________________________________________________ 8. Vietnam/most/Pho/of/the/popular/is/one/dishes/in/. _______________________________________________________________ III. Make question for the underlined part: 1. My hobby is photography. → .................................................................................................................................... 2. I started my hobby five years ago. → .................................................................................................................................... 4. I spend two hours a day on my hobby. → .................................................................................................................................... 5. He likes to play volleyball with his friends. → .................................................................................................................................... 6. I started working as a volunteer in 2015. → .................................................................................................................................... 7. I like pop music. → .................................................................................................................................... 8. My favourite song is Thriller. → .................................................................................................................................... 9. Water puppetry began in the 11th century. → .................................................................................................................................... 10. Dong Ho paintings are made in Dong Ho Village. → .................................................................................................................................... 11. They drank a lot of wine at the party last night. → ........................................................................................................................................... 12. My lemonade tastes a bit sour. → ........................................................................................................................................... 9
  10. 13. No, there isn’t any milk in the fridge. → ........................................................................................................................................... 14. No, thanks. I love cookies, but I’m full. → ........................................................................................................................................... 15. The beef broth is made by stewing cow bones. → ........................................................................................................................................... IV. Writing: (Write a paragraph cbout 40-50 words) 1. Write a paragraph about your hobby. ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ 2. Talk about your favorite food/ drink ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................................... 3. What is your favorite kind of music / film ?Why? ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................................... 10



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