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Tham khảo tài liệu 'đề luyện thi ( số 8)', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

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Nội dung Text: ĐỀ LUYỆN THI ( SỐ 8)

  1. ĐỀ LUYỆN THI ( SỐ 8) I. NGỮ ÂM Exercise 1. Chọn từ mà phần in nghiêng đậm gạch chân có cách phát âm khác với các từ còn lại. 1. a. south b. truth c. smooth d. both 2. a. poo r b. tour c. sure d. p ure 3. a. rush b. prove c. souvenir d. rude 4. a. ache b. charity c. chemistry d. chaos 5. a. bargain b. complain c. main d. campaign 6. a. hou ses b. faces c. horses d. sources 7. a. d ealt b. drea mt c. jea lous d. hea l 8. a. wa sh b. o ff c. draw d. o n 9. a. o f b. cafe c. knife d. leaf 10. a. loud b. mouth c. southern d. boundary II. NGỮ PHÁP Exercise 1. Cho dạng đúng của động từ 1. I can’t bear the thought of you (1 – go)______ home without someone (2 – accompany)______ you. 2. My brother ( 3 – work ) ______ in Laos for the last year so by the time he ( 4 – return ) ______ the month after next, I ( 5 – not see ) _________ him for 14 months. 3. Now I remember your ( 6 – ask ) _______ me to bring sandwiches to the picnic. Your complaints about my ( 7 – forget ) ________ things seem justified. I’m sorry. 4 . Ali and Mustafa ( 8 – complain ) _______ to the landlord many times since they ( 9 – move ) _____ into their present apartment, but to date nothing ( 10 – do ) _______ about the leak in the roof. 5. I (11 – not see)_____ him since last Monday, but I (12 – b elieve)______ he (13 – write)_______ an essay on Hamlet at present. 6. He (14 – play)______ the part now if he (15 – not offend)______ the producer at the last rehearsal. 7. I wonder why I always (16 – have)______ trouble with the carburetor whenever I (17 – decide)______ to go home by car. 8. I (18 – work)______ very hard lately. 9. When I (19 – b e)_____ a child, I (20 – d ream)______ about travelling to lots of different places. I (21 – long)______ to go to Japan, to Honolulu, to Alaska. Well, I (22 – be)_____ 40 years old now, and I (23 – b e)______ a travel guide for ten years ; so I (24 – b e)_____ to all those places. This year alone I (25 – travel)_____ to fifteen countries. Last week I (26 – visit)______ friends in Bangkok, and then (27 – go)_____ to see the sights of Singapore. Now I (28 – just return)______ from Cairo- I (29 – fly)______ there a week ago with a group of businessmen. When we (30 – get)_____ home, one of them (31 – shake)______ his head and (32 – say)______ to me, “ You look tired, (33 – have)______ you a holiday recently?” I (34 – laugh)_____ and (35 – say)______. “Going on holiday is my job.” He (36 – reply)______ “ Perhaps you ought to work for a week or two then.” Exercise 2. Điền giới từ thích họp vào ô trống dưới đây 1. I was delighted ______ the present you gave me. 2. They didn’t reply to our letter, which wasn’t very polite ______ them 3. I can’t understand people who are cruel _______ animals 4. We enjoyed our holiday, but we were a bit disappointed ______ the hotel 5. Linda doesn’t look very well. I’m worried _______ her. 6. The people next door are furious _______ us ______ making so much noise last night. 7. Jill starts her new job next week. She’s quite excited _______ it. 8. I was shocked _______ what I saw. I’d never seen anything like it before. 9. The man we interviewed for the job was intelligent but we weren’t impressed ______ his appearance. 10. He said he was sorry ______ the situation but there was nothing he could do. Exercise 3. Viết lại câu bắt đầu bằng từ đã cho sao cho nghĩa câu không thay đổi 1. In spite of his age Mr Benson runs seven miles before breakfast Although ________________________________. 2. This is the most delicious cake I have ever tasted I have never ______________________________. 3. The gate is closed to stop the children running into the road
  2. The gate is close so that ____________________. 4. It is my impression that she’s enjoying her new job a great deal. She seems _______________________________. 5. I work in a factory which has more than a thousand employees There ___________________________________. 6. Mr Hill teaches his students to understand different English accents Mr Hill’s students _________________________. 7. There isn’t anywhere as nice as your own country, is there? Nowhere ________________________________. 8. “ If I were you, I would not come here today,” she said to me. She said that _____________________________. 9. Peter is a better mechanic than Jim. Jim ____________________________________. 10. He didn’t come until six o’clock. It _____________________________________. Exercise 4. Viết lại câu có sử dụng các từ in hoa ( không nhất thiết bắt đầu câu bằng từ đó) sao cho nghĩa câu không đổi. 1. It is said that he has been to prision several times. BELIEVED _ ______________________________________________. 2. Most stories will accept a credit card instead of cash ALTERNATIVE __________________________________________. 3. Our opinions on the subject are identical. DIFFERENCE ____________________________________________. 4. Local residents said they were against the new traffic scheme DISAPPROVAL __________________________________________. 5. There is no way that young man can achieve success in this test . BOUND _________________________________________________. III. TỪ VỰNG Exercise 1. Cho dạng đúng của các từ trong ngoặc 1. AIDS is the most dangerous (1 – infect)______ disease of the 20th century. 2. The D war zone was a famous military base during the two (2 – resist)_____ wars. 3. There has been a (3 – money)______ crisis in Asia. 4. When a small bar of a magnet is attached to a pigeon, it is (4 – a ble)_____ to navigate. 5. The Titanic was not only the largest ship that had ever been built but was regarded as ( 5 – sink)_____. 6. UFO stands for an ( 6 – identify)______ flying object. 7. A new economic (7 – process)______ zone has been established in our province. 8. Most of the surgical instruments are made of (8 – stain)______ steel. 9. The French (9 – colony)______ were defeated at Dien Bien Phu on 7 – 5 – 1954 10. Two much (10 – expose)______ to the sun can cause a sunburn. Exercise 2. Chọn đáp án đúng 1. Lawyers by the thousands across the United States are finding ______ an ever more profitable business. a. the divorce court b. it’s the divorce court c. that is the divorce court d. that the divorce court 2. Some authorities say the best way ________ the rising divorce rate is to do a better job of preparin g young people for marriage before the ceremony a. so as to crub b. in order to crub c. to crub d. for the crub 3. In the United States, the findings from a recent federal study include: nearly one out of seven twelve- grade boys admits _______ at least once a week. a. to get drunk b. getting drunk c. to be drunk d. they got drunk 4. Abstract artists were trying to express ________ about a particular object, without attempting to p resent that object in its realistic form. a. what they felt b. that they felt c. which they felt d. they felt it 5. With birth rates ________, migration of families is becoming a more important part of the shifting American population.
  3. a. dropped b. dropping c. to drop d. they drop 6. Food, fuel, housing and medical care , the basic necessities of life are the areas _______ have been hardest hit by rising prices a. that Americans b. where Americans c. which Americans d.there Americans 7. Retirement ________ found only in urbanized, industrialized societies that are under bureaucratic control. a. as we know it is b. we know as it is c. it is as we know d. we know it is as 8. Very few of white women suffer the extreme economic exploitation that most black women are subjected ________. a. day by day b. day after day c. from day to day d. to day by day 9. There are also some black women who feel that there is no more productive role in life than _______. a. have and raise children b. to have and to raise children c. they have and raise children d. having and raising children 10. Christmas cards are now _______ of the Christmas festivities that they can hardly be omitted from any list of established customs. a. a part essential b. an essential c. a part so essential d. so essential a part 11. The police have warned tourists to look _______ for pickpockets in the town centre. a. up b. down c. out d. forward 12. _____ what most people say about him, he was a very good sence of humour. a. Contrary to b. Against c. Opposite to d. Opposing 13. This museum has more visitors than _______ any other in the world. a. really b. actually c. practically d. utterly 14. Send for our free brochure by _______ the coupon below. a. completing b. responding c. answering d. filling 15. ______ efforts to combat it, drugs abuse is on the increase. a. Despite b. In the event of c. Thoughout d. Instead of 16. Children can be difficult to teach because of their short attention __________. a. limit b. span c. duration d. time 17. How exactly did you set ______ training the horses to work so well together. a. about b. to c. up d. out 18. He isn’t _______ run the business alone. a. capable of b. good at c. able to d. used to 19. You can’t smoke in here. It’s ________ the law. a. according to b. anti c. opposite d. against 20. If a ruby is heated it _______ temporarily lose its colour. a. would b. will c. does d. has IV. ĐỌC HIỂU Exercise 1. Bài đọc A combinaion of sewage, salt, air pollution , sun, sand and wind may destroy the huge statue on the outskirts of Cairo. This stature of the sun god has the body of a lion and the face of a human being. It is five thousand years old, but it is too badly damaged to be completely saved. The satue has already been drug out of the sand three times. However, the lastest problems are much more serious. First, there are no proper drains and water pipes in the neighbourhood and the underground passages round the statue have become blocked. Too much water has been running into the stone statue for several years. As a result, tiny pieces of salt have been left on the stone and have damaged it. Secondly, air pollution from the increasing amount of traffic in Cairo is also destroying the ancient statue. The air is so full of poisonous gases that it is making the stone crumble and decay even faster . Thirdly, the statue is being damaged by extremes of temperature. Other natural forces such as severe sandstorms also attack the statue. Finally, the tourists who visit the statue everyday also cause a lot of damage. Decide whether these statements true or false. 1. The statue is in the centre of Cairo. ________ 2. Part of the statue looks like a lion and part like a person. ________ 3. The statue was built 5000 years ago ________
  4. 4. The underground passages round the statue are full of waste and water. ________ 5. Salt is the only cause that has damaged the statue. ________ 6. Small pieces of salt have been put on the stone of the statue to prevent further damage. _______ 7. Cars, buses and lorries have polluted the air near the statue ________ 8. Fortunately, little damage is caused by visitors to the statue. ________ Exercise 2. Điền từ thích hợp vào ô trống On television and radio, and in newspapers and magazines, one will often find the opinions of the movie critic. It is the movie critic’s job to watch a recently (1)______ movie before the public sees it. Having viewed the movie, they will then express their opinion about it for the benefit of the public. The movie critic is (2)______ feared by the producers, directors and movie makers. Many (3)_____ of the public who enjoy going to the cinema may be (4)______ by the critic’s opinions. If the critic (5)______ a movie and shares this with the public, their negative thoughts (6)______ discourage people from going to see a new movie. Sometimes movie critic may (7)______ strong opinions about a movie. If they enjoy the movie, it is highly (8)______ by them. If however they dislike the movie, they may call it “ boring” , or “ too violent” or they may suggest the public gives a bad movie “ a miss”. Exercise 3. Tìm và sửa lỗi sai ở những câu dưới đây. 1. To understand the directions, they must be read carefully. 2. The children were surprised when the teacher had them to close their books unexpectedly. 3. Sitting alone in his room, the strange noise frightened him 4. The young girl dreamed a dream that she was being carried away by monsters. 5. The Jones have visited Hawaii and Alaska, and they assure me that they like Alaska the best. 6. This refrigerator is very old to keep things at a proper temperature. 7. He finally noticed that it was we, Diana and me, who always turned in the reports on time. 8. When only a child my father took me to the circus. 9. Going up the hill, an old temple was seen. 10. Being a very hot day, I remained in my tent. Exercise 4. Chọn đáp án đúng Am American businessman was on a trip to Asia. He decided to (1) ______ a few days off and see something of the countryside, so he hired a car. At first everything (2) ______ perfectly, but suddenly the weather changed and he (3) _____ himself in the middle of a tropical storm. Driving became impossible , so he pulled in to the side of the road and waited until the rain had stopped before (4) ______ again. A few miles further on, and he was (5) ______ gear, he felt something smooth move across his wrist. He (6) ______ down and saw a large python ( trăn ) slithring through a gap in the floor. He (7) _____ the brakes, wanting to get out, but the snake too quick for him. Within seconds it had wrapped itself (8) ______ him squeezing the breath out of him. The terrified businessman (9) _____ to get hold o f the snake’s head and tried to hit it against the window. But the snake was too strong and the man thought he was going to die. Suddenly he heard the screech of tyres and saw a lorry (10) ______ alongside. The driver jumped out and shouted at him to let go of the snake. Instantly the other driver killed it with a knife. He then explained that the snake must have got in when the car had been parked. 1. a. put b. go c. take d. bring 2. a. felt b. went c. was d. passed 3. a. found b. saw c. situated d. placed 4. a. driving off b. taking off c. pulling off d. making off 5. a. changing b. adapting c. altering d. accelerating 6. a. saw b. noticed c. looked d. watched 7. a. put of b. got on c. took off d. put on 8. a. over b. round c. on d. across 9. a. su cceeded b. finished c. managed d. achieved 10. a. pull out b. bring up c. end up d. pull up V. VIẾT Exercise 1. Dựng những từ đã cho dưới đây thành đoạn văn hoàn chỉnh về Hemingway. 1. Ernest Miller Hemingway / bear / 1899. 2. father / doctor / second / of / six children.
  5. 3. 1918 / work / driver / Italian Front / badly / wounded. 4. return / America / 1919 / marry / 1921. 5. Begin / writing career /1922 / settle / Paris / same year. 6. city / meet / old friends / encourage / career.



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