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Tham khảo tài liệu 'đề thi số 8', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

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Nội dung Text: ĐỀ THI SỐ 8

  1. ĐỀ THI SỐ 8 Question 1:Read the following passage then give the short answer to each question. Esperanto is an artificial language designed to serve internationally as an auxilary means of communication among speakers of different languages.Esperanto,the creation of Ludwig Zamenhof,a Polish-jewish ophthalmologist,was first presented in 1887.An interna-tional movement to promote its use has continued to flourish and has members in more than 80 countries. Esperanto is used internationally across language boundaries by about one million people,particularly in specialised fields.It is used in personal contracts,on radio broadcasts, and in a number of publications as well as in translations of both modern works and classic.Its popularity has spread from Europe-both East and West-to such countries as Brazil and Japan.It is in China,however, that Esperanto has had its greatest impact.It is taught in universities and used in many translations(often in scientific and technological works).El Popola Cinio,a monthly magazine in Esperanto from the People’s Republic of China,is read worldwide.Radio Beijing’s Esperanto program is the most popular program in Esperanto in the world. Esperanto’s vocabulary is drawn primarily from Latin,the Romance languages, English and German.Spelling is completely regular.A simple and consistent set of endings
  2. indicates grammatical functions of words.Thus,for example, every noun ends in -o,every adjective in -a,and the infinitive of every verb in - i. 1,Who created Esperanto ? 2,When was Esperanto created ? 3,How many people use Esperanto ?4,Name TWO countries where Esperanto is used. 5,In which country is Esperanto taught at universities ? 6,Does Esperanto vocabulary come from eastern or western languages ? 7,What kinds of words end in -a in Esperanto? Question 2:Choose the best answer a,b,c or d to complete the reading passage below. You have probably never heard of Charles Burgess Fry but in the early years of this century,he was the most famous man in England.He became famous university,mainly on..2..of his achievements in sport.He was,at the same time,captain of the university football,cricket and athletics teams and..3..the world record for the long run jump.He was also a..4..sports journalist.He was so famous that letters addressed to Mr Fry,Oxford him without any difficulty.His college, had quite a different name,’Fry’ College. Some people have..8..Fry’s sporting achievements.They..9..out that he lived at a time when
  3. standards were quite..10..and it was much easier to..11..well in several sports.It is certainly true that athletes of that time did not have the totally dedicated..12..of modern athletes.However,it is judge him..14..the standards of his own time.There is no doubt that he had extraordinary skill..15..with an ability to write about sport with style and intelligence. 1,a-still b-yet c-then d-already 2,a-case b- account c-view d-regard 3,a-held b-did c-made d-reached 4,a-common b- usual c-normal d-popular 5,a-posted b-diverted c-delivered d-carried 6,a-despite b-although c-however d-otherwise 7,a-referred b-named c-called d-known 8,a-complained b-contradicted c-criticised d-contrasted 9,a-point b-give c-put d-speak 10,a-bad b- small c-low d-weak 11,a-make b-be c-go d-do 12,a-approach b- style c-method d-skill 13,a-balanced b-rational c-fair d-precise 14,a-for b- by c-as d-with 15,a-attached b-combined c-connected d-related Question 3: Put the verb in brackets in the correct tense. Mr Joseph Ford, the politician who...1...( kidnap) last week as he was driving to his office,..2..(release) unharmed. He ..3..
  4. (examine) by a doctor last night, and ..4.. (say) to be in good health. Mr Ford ..5.. (find) walking along a small country lane early yesterday evening. A farmer ..6..(see) him , recognized who it was, and ..7..(contact) the police. When his wife ..8..(tell) the news, she said, “ I am delighted and relieved that my husband ..9..(find).” Acting on information received, the police made several arrests , and a man ..10..(question) in connection with the kidnapping. Question 4:Choose the best answer a,b,c or d to complete these sentences. 1, The people are ....... to outsiders. a-unfriendly b- bored c-tired d-sad 2, Smoking is ........ in these buildings. a-limited b-postponed c-forbidden d- given 3, A few of the students were ........ by the lion’s roar. a-destroyed b-bitten c-frightened d- collapsed 4, Stephen is the tallest ......... a-among three boys b-in three boys c-for the three d- of the three boys 5, If you put them ..... the sun they will soon dry out. a-in b-under c-at d-below
  5. 6, Near the White House is another land mark.....the Washington Monument. a-is which b-which called c-called d-it is called 7, Because the first pair of pants did not fit properly he asked for.......... a-another pants b-others pants c-the others one d- another pair 8, He reminds me mother. a-of b-to c-at d-no preposition needed 9, John lied .....his mother about losing his watch. a-of b- to c-with d-for 10, I congratulate him ....his success. a-in b-at c-to d-on Question 5:Choose the word a, b, c, d or e pronounced differently from the rest. 1,a-head b-break c-bread d-breath e-spread 2,a-blood b-tool c-moon d-spool e- school 3,a-height b-fine c-tidy d-cliff e-light 4,a-through b-themselves c-threaten d-thunder e- mathematics 5,a-fought b-country c-bought d-ought e- thought
  6. 6,a-nest b-chest c-forest d-test e-rest 7,a-shy b-physical c-fly d-sky e-cycle 8,a-cow b-how c-crowd d-know e-now 9,a-timber b-time c-mime d-climb e- timoneer Question 6:Put the correct preposition into each gap. 1,He invested all his money....stocks and shares. 2,I accused him.... cheating at cards,but he denied it. 3,He congratulated her ....passing her driving test. 4,I prefer living in in the suburbs. 5,The smell of the food reminded me....when I was a child. Question7:Choose the underlined word or phrase ( a,b,c or d ) that must be changed for the sentence to be correct. 1,All root (a)vegetables grow (b) underground,and (c) not all vegetables that (d) grow underground are roots. 2,The process (a) of fementation takes place (b) only in (c) the absent (d) of oxygen . 3, In (a) about 1920, experimental psychologists (b)have devoted more research to learning (c) than to any other (d) topic. 4,Trasfer taxes are imposed on (a)the sell (b) or exchange (c) of stocks and (d)bonds.
  7. 5,One of the greatest of mountains climbers (a), Carl Blaurock was the first (b) to climb all of the (c) mountains higher than 14,000 feet (d)in the United States. 6,Biochemists have solved (a) many of the mysteries (b) about photosynthesics, the process which (c) plants make food (d). 7,Oceanic islands have been separated from (a) the mainland for too (b) long that they have (c) evolved distinctive animal populations (d). 8,Certain (a) species of penicillin mold are used (b) to ripe (c) cheese (d). 9,Many of the (a)important products obtained (b) from trees,one of the most (c)important is wood pulp,which is used in paper- making (d). 10,Not longer (a) are contributions (b)to the advancement (c) of industry made (d) primarily by individuals. ĐÁP ÁN ĐỀ THI SỐ 8 Question 1(IELTS tr.9) jewish ['dʒu:i∫] người Do Thái 1-Ludwig zamenhof . romance ngôn ngữ Roman 2-in 1887. thích hợp,nhất 3-(about) one million people. consistent quán
  8. 4-China and Brazil/ Japan...... 5-China ;6-Brazil / Japan/ China 6,western 7-Western ; 8-adjectives ophthalmologist [,ɔfốổl'mɔlədʒist] Bác sĩ khoa mắt. internationally trên bình diện quốc tế. boundary ranh giới,đường biên giới Question 2 (P.D.B new tr.140) 1-a 2-b 3-a 4-d 5-c 6-b 7-d 8-c 9-a 10-c 11-d 12-a 13-c 15-b divert [dai'və:t] làm trệch đi,làm trệch hướng 14-b contradict [,kɔntrə'dikt] phủ nhận rational có lý, dựa trên lý trí attach coi,cho là,gán cho Question 3 1-was kidnapped 2-has been released 3-was examined 4-is said 5-was found 6-saw 7-contacted 8-was told 9-has been found 10-is being questioned Question 4: (copy good students ) 1-a 2-c 3-c 4-d 5-a 6-c 7-d 8-a 9-b 10-d Question 5: 1-b 2-a 3-d 4-b 5-b 6-c 7-b 8-d 9-a timoneer /taim3ni3/ Người lái tàu Question 6: 1-in 2-of 3-on 4-to 5-of Question 7: TOEFL news page 449
  9. 1-c 2-d 3-a (since) 4-b 5-a 6-c (process by which...) 7-b 8-c (to ripen) 9-a (Of the many) 10-a (no longer)



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