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LUYỆN THI ĐH – CĐ NĂM 2010 – 2011 MÔN: ANH VĂN – A012

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Nội dung Text: LUYỆN THI ĐH – CĐ NĂM 2010 – 2011 MÔN: ANH VĂN – A012

  1. LUYỆN THI ĐH – CĐ NĂM 2010 – 2011 MÔN: ANH VĂN – A012 Mark the letter a, b, c or d to indicate the underlined sound that is pronounced differently from the rest or the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress: 1. a. throw b. health c. breathe d. fourth 2. a. much b. catch c. watch d. monarch 3. a. choir b. cheerful c. chaotic d. character 4. a. assistance b. medicine c. magical d. visitor 5. a. disposal b. attention c. associate d. electronic Choose the best answer a, b, c or d to complete each of the following sentences 6. “ ……..going on a picnic this weekend?” - “ That’s great!” a. Why don’t we b. Would you like c. How about d. Let’s 7. “Do you mind if I smoke?” - “I’m sorry, ……...” a. I’d rather do b. I’d rather you didn’t c. I don’t d. You’re welcome 8. “ I don’t think English is too hard to study.” - “……...” a. I do too b. I don’t neither c. Neither do I d. I do either 9. There are a various number of animals…….in Africa. a. living b. are living c. that living d. who are living 10. After months of rising, the price of petrol……….. a. raised b. leveled off c. has stopped d. fluctuated 11. Speaking a new language………. is important for effective communication. a. actively b. unpleasantly c. physically d. accurately 12. John…….knowledge from many of his life experiences in his work. a. approved b. applied c. appreciated d. accomplished 13. This bridge is too…….for cars. You’d better take another way. a. narrow b. wide c. little d. full 14. There is disagreement among educators as to whether the exams of this year are…….than those of the past. a. very difficult b. not as difficult c. more less difficult d. much more difficult 15. You need to do something…….your English as quickly as possible. a. to improve b. for improving c. improving d. so that to improve 16. As it was getting late, the boys decided to ……..the campfire and crept into their sleeping bags. a. put up b. put off c. put out d. put on 17. Despite her difficult living condition, Marie Curie worked very hard and…....her ambition. a. obtained b. got c. realized d. reached 18. The general public…... a large number of computers now, because prices are beginning to decrease. a. must buy b. must be buying c. must have bought d. must bought 19. Hoa’s bicycle, which was very beautiful, …….a few days ago. a. was stealing b. was stolen c. has been stolen d. stole 20. Unless you speak English, you… join the club. a. will be allowed b. will not allow c. wouldn’t be allowed d. won’t be allowed 21. The eyes of an octopus are remarkably similar …....a human being. a. to that of b. to those of c. with those of d. to 22. Kangaroos are native to Australia, and they are not found on…... continents. a. any of the other b. any of the c. all of the d. any 23. People…....speed should avoid car racing. a. that is fear b. who fearing c. who fear d. fear 24. “What are you doing after school today?’ - “I’m not sure. May be I……around the city.” a. will go riding b. am going c. am riding d. go riding 25. Tom is studying hard so that he……all the exams. a. is able to pass b. will be able to pass c. cannot pass d. passes 26. …....many other students in the school. Tim doesn’t enjoy rock music. a. Alike b. Unlike c. Dislike d. Unlikely
  2. 27. We all enjoy Tony’s companion. He’s……man. a. such a honest b. such honest c. a such honest d. such an honest 28. As the music was played, the audience began clapping and……to the music. a. to dance b. dancing c. being dancing d. having danced 29. ……has never been determined. a. Who built the stone circle known as “Stonehenge” b. The stone circle known as “Stonehenge” c. That the stone circle called “Stonehenge” d. There is a stone circle called “Stonehenge” 30. …….as long as it didn’t involve getting her hands d irty. a. She agreed to help him in the garden b. She refused to help him in the garden c. She didn’t want to help him in the garden d. She is willing to help him in the garden 31. ……..automatically gives out candy or other items when money is inserted a. A vending machine is a kind of robot salesperson who b. A vending machine is a kind of robot salesperson which c. Vending machine is a kind of robot salesperson which d. Vending machines is a kind of robot salesperson that 32. ……...Alex left the coffee bar and sent out to search for a taxi. a. It was not until midnight when b. It was well after midnight which c. Not until it was midnight that d. It was well after midnight when 33. …….., sheep were then used for wool. a. Having first domesticated for milk production b. Having been first domesticated for milk production c. Because they had been first domesticated for milk production d. Although they had first domesticated for milk production 34. ……that space exploration was impossible, a. Many people were used to believing b. Many people used to believing c. Many people used to believe d. Many people believe 35. ……...has become an increasing concern. a. Most fast-food meals are high in fat which b. Most fast-food meals are high in fat c. That most fast-food meals high in fat d. That fast-food meals are high in fat Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting. 36. Everyone ought to know the basic steps that follow in case of an emergency. 37. Sue’s mother is a hairdresser, but Sue is not interested in becoming it. 38. It announced today that an enquiry would be held into the collapse of a high-rise apartment block in Kuala Lumpur last week. 39. We should have played much better than we do. 40. The effects of wind and water in rock surfaces can often cause erosion. Choose the correct sentence with the same meaning as the given one in italics 41. happiness / not/ achieve/ according / one performance a. Happiness is not achieved according to one performance. b. Happiness not achieved according to one’s performance c. Happiness does not achieve according to one’s performance d. Happiness is not achieved according to one’s performance 42. big/ purpose/ studying / abroad/ be / see / more / world. a. The biggest purpose in st udying abroad is to see more of the world b. The biggest purpose of studying abroad is to see more the world c. The biggest purpose studying abroad is to see more of the world. d. A biggest purpose in studying abroad is to see more of the world. 43. there/ be / no point / persuade . him / change / mind a. There’s no point to persuade him change his mind b. There’s no point persuading him change his mind c. There’s no point in persuading him to change his mind. d. There’s no point in persuading him to change mind
  3. 44. there / be/ no need/ you / bring / present a. There’s no need you bring a present b. There’s no need for you to bring a present c. There’s no need that you to bring a present d. There’s no need for you to bring present 45. manager / be suspicious/ shop assistant a. The manager was suspicious the shop assistant b. The manager was suspicious with the shop assistant c. The manager was suspicious of shop assistant d. The manager was suspicious of the shop assistant 46. Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon first. a. Neil Armstrong was the first step on the moon. b. It was Neil Armstrong who stepping on the moon first. c. Neil Armstrong was the first to step on the moon. d. Neil Armstrong was the first stepping on the moon, 47. “I’ll return it tomorrow afternoon.,” said Lucy. a. Lucy offered to return it tomorrow afternoon. b. Lucy said me she would return it tomorrow afternoon. c. Lucy agreed to come back tomorrow afternoon. d. Lucy promised to return it tomorrow afternoon. 48. Would you like to go out for a coffee? a. Do you fancy going out for a coffee? b. Do you feel like to go out for a coffee? c. What about a coffee outside? D. What do you want for your coffee? 49. My father couldn’t stand Tom’s behavior. a. My father found Tom’s behavior intolerant b. My father was tolerant towards Tom’s behavior c. My father found Tom’s behavior intolerable d. Tom’ s behavior was not tolerable 50. This question is even harder than the last one. a. The last question is not difficult b. This question is the most difficult one c. The last question is difficult but this one is more difficult d. This question is hard but the last one is not. Choose the word which best fits each gap of the passage. British parents are always complaining that their children spend too much time glued to the telly and not enough time on other activities ( 51)….sports and reading. A survey recently ( 52)…...on people’s viewing habits does not disprove this. It shows that young people in Britain spend on average 23 hours a week in front of the television, ( 53)… out at over three hours everyday. (54)… surprising , however, is the fact that the average adult watches even more: an incredible 28 hours a week. We ( 55)… have become a nation of addicts. Just about every ho usehold in the country has a television and over half have two or more. According to the survey, people nowadays don’t just watch television sitting in their living- rooms, they watch it in the kitchen and in bed ( 56)……. The education Minister said a few weeks ago that Britain’s pupils ( 57)….spend more time reading. Unfortunately, parents are not setting a good example: adult do ( 58) …reading than young people. In fact reading is at the ( 59)…....of their list of favoring pastimes. They would ( 60)…...listen to the radio, go to the cinema or hire a video to watch on their television at home. 51. a. such b. like c. as d. alike 52. a. investigated b. researched c. carried d. carried out 53. a. that b. which c. this d. it 54. a. What b. It c. The thing d. This 55. a. seem b. ought c. used d. would like 56. a. in addition b. as well c. more d. moreover 57. a. might b. could c. should d. would 58. a. more b. less c. little d. fewer 59. a. tail b. top c. beginning d. bottom 60. a. better b. rather c. prefer d. like Read the passage and choose the best answer.
  4. In 1976, two American spacecraft landed on Mars in order to search for signs of life. The tests that the Viking Landers performed had negative results. However, scientists still have questions about our close neighbor in space. They want to investigate further into the possibility o f life on Mars. Scientists’ interest in the Red Planet is based on an assumption. They believe that 4.5 billion years ago, Mars and Earth began their existence under similar conditions. During the first billion years, liquid water- in contrast to ice- was abundant on the surface of Mars. This is an indication that mars was much warmer at that time. Mars also had a thicker atmosphere of carbon dioxide ( CO2). Many scientists think it is possible that life began under these favourable conditions. After all, Earth had the same conditions during its first billion years, when life arose. At some points in time, Earth developed an atmosphere which is rich in oxygen, and an ozone layer. Ozone ( O3) is a form of oxygen. The ozone layer protects the Earth form harmful ultraviolet light from the Sun. While life not only began on Earth , it also survived and became more complex. In contrast, Mars lost its thick atmosphere of carbon dioxide. Ultraviolet radiation intensified. The planet eventually grew colder, and its waster froze (…) Scientists believe there are other areas on Mars that are similar to specific places on Earth which support life. For example, an area on Antarctica ,southern Victoria Land, which is not covered by ice, resembles an area on mars . In its dry valleys, the temperature in southern Victoria Land averages below zero, yet biologists found simple life forms ( microorganisms) in rocks and frozen lakes, Perhaps this is also true of places on Mars. Scientist want another investigation of mars. They want to search for fossils, the ancient remains of life. If life ever existed on Mars, future missions may find records of it under sand or in the ice. Even if future missions discover no evidence of past or present life on Mars, the new missions may clarify our understanding of how life begins. Scientists will better understand the conditions that are necessary for the survival of life- on Earth or in the universe. They will look for the answers to other intriguing questions. How is the Earth different from Mars? How can we explain the development of life here on our planet and not on Mars, our close neighbour? Are we alone in the universe? 61. What is the main idea of the passage? a. Two spacecraft looked for evidence of life on Mars, but they were unsuccessful. b. Scientists are interested in the possibility that there is or was life on Mars. c. mars is quite similar to Earth but there is no form of life on it. d. Scientists are interested in how Mars is different from the Earth. 62. The phrase “our close neighbor in space” refers to………… a. the Viking spacecraft b.the Sun c. Mars d. people living on Mars 63. Which of the following statements is true? a. Mars is much older than Earth b. The Earth is much older than Mars c. Mars and Earth are the same age d. Mars was much warmer than Earth during the first billion years 64. According to paragraph 2, what form does the water on Mars have today? a. liquid b. solid c. gas d. We don’t know 65. What do CO2 and O3 in paragraph represent? a. chemical symbols b. abbreviations c. amounts of gases d. the elements of the atmosphere 66. According to paragraph 4, what are fossils? a. a source of fuel b. a part of natural resources c. the ancient remains of life d. the ancient remains of Martians 67. What is the purpose of the dash ( -) as used in the last paragraph? a. to add extra information b. to give a definition c. to give an explanation or example d. to connect two sentences 68. In the beginning , Earth and Mars were similar in that…………… a. liquid water was abundant on their surface b. Their atmosphere was rich in oxygen c. Simple forms of life arose on both planets d. They both lost their thick atmosphere of carbon dioxide
  5. 69. Which of the following is true? a. American spacecraft discovered life on Mars in 1976 b. Scientists do not want to investigate life on mars any more c. Scientists believe there is liquid water on Mars now d. Scientists believe they may find ancient remains of lire on Mars under sand or ice. 70. According to the passage, in the future scientists want to look for……… a. evidence of past and present life on Mars b. the conditions necessary for the survival of life o n Mars c. the explanation for the development of life on Earth but not on Mars. d. the answers to the environmental problems. It doesn’t take long to turn farmland into desert. American farmers found this out in the 1930s. They planted wheat in large areas of grassland in the south central United States. For a few years there was plenty of rain and lots of wheat. Then the rains stopped, as they often do in this dry region. The wheat dried up and the top soil turned to dust. Before long, it had all blown away in great dust storms. The area became known as the “Dust Bowl”. What happened in the Dust Bowl is a perfect example of erosion caused by modern farming methods. Top soil blows away more easily when it is no longer protected by grasses or trees. In ten years or less, several feet of good soil can disappear. And once it is gone, there is no way to get it back quickly. It may take from one hundred to a thousand years for new top soil to form. Unfortunately, it seems that farmers have not learned from the example of the Dust Bowl. In the United States alone, five billion tons of top soils are lost every year. Farmers continue to use the same destructive methods. They plant the same crops and use tons of chemical fertilizers. The situation in other parts of the world is even more serious. The total loss of top soil worldwide is 24 billion tons a year. Areas of the earth with a dry climate ( about one third of the planet) are hit worst. In these areas, about 12 million hectares of land are lost to agriculture per year because of erosion. In developing countries, this often leads to hunger and death. The recent history of one part of Africa, the Sahel, is a good example. In the 1960s and 1970s much good farmland was taken over for export crops. Such as sugar and cotton. Many people moved into the drier interior areas to grow their food. During that period, there was more rain than usual. Food and cattle production increased and so did the population. Before long, there were too many people in these areas. The land began to suffer the effects. It was no longer protected by trees, which had been cut down for firewood. The grass and bushes were gone, eaten by the cattle, sheep, and other animals. Animals manure was used for burning instead of for fertilizing the soil. Then came a long period of no rain. The ruined top soil quickly blew away. The Sahara Desert advanced in some areas as much as 100 kilometers. In other areas , the semi-desert land became completely unproductive. Now millions of people have no way to make a living. Many have died of hunger, while others have moved to the already crowded cities. The events in the Sahel were an important lesson for government officials and farmers around the world. But again , the lesson has been ignored. More and more people are hungry on our planet, but farmland continues to be ruined. 71. This passage is about…... a. the “Dust Bowl” b. how farmers can ruin the land. c. the problem of erosion around the world d. the loss of top soil in the African Sahel 72. According to the passage, the “Dust Bowl”……. a. is a naturally dusty area b. used to be desert c. was always green farmland d. used to be grassland 73. According to the passage, the dust storms……... a. started after farmers planted wheat b. were always present in that area. c. stopped when it rained d. brought lots of good top soil 74. The word it in paragraph refers to……..
  6. a. the Dust Bowl b. this dry region c. the dust formed from the top soil d. the great dust storm 75. The word destructive in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to …….. a. causing serious damage b. scientific c. old- fashioned d. new and effective 76. We can infer from this passage that chemical fertilizers…….. a. help keep the top soil b. help destroy the soil c. do not have any effect on the soil d. are not used much by American farmers. 77. The problem of erosion is worst in…… a. the central United Sates b. the desert c. Africa d. the dry regions of the world 78. We can infer from this passage that one important factor in the Sahel disaster was the….. a. international demand for export crops b. expansion of the Sahara Desert c. worldwide change in climate d. lack of good top soil in Africa 79. The top soil in the Sahel was ruined by…… a. the planning of export crops b. the effects of too many people and animals c. too much manure from cattle and sheep d. too much rain for too many years. 80. many people in the Sahel died of hunger because…….. a. there were too many sheep and cattle b. there were terrible dust storms c. there were no trees for firewood d. the land was no longer any good for farming. PRACTICE TEST 23 - KEY Mark the letter a, b, c or d to indicate the underlined sound that is pronounced differently from the rest or the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress: 1. a. throw b. health c. breathe d. fourth 2. a. much b. catch c. watch d. monarch 3. a. choir b. cheerful c. chaotic d. character 4. a. assistance b. medicine c. magical d. visitor 5. a. disposal b. attention c. associate d. electronic Choose the best answer a, b, c or d to complete each of the following sentences 6. “ ……..going on a picnic this weekend?” - “ That’s great!” a. Why don’t we b. Would you like c. How about d. Let’s 7. “Do you mind if I smoke?” - “I’m sorry, ……………..” a. I’d rather do b. I’d rather you didn’t c. I don’t d. You’re welcome 8. “ I don’t think English is too hard to study.” - “…………..” a. I do too b. I don’t neither c. Neither do I d. I do either 9. There are a various number of animals……….in Africa. a. living b. are living c. that living d. who are living 10. After months of rising, the price of petrol……… a. raised b. leveled off c. has stopped d. fluctuated 11. Speaking a new language…………is important for effective communication. a. actively b. unpleasantly c. physically d. accurately 12. John…….knowledge from many of his life experiences in his work. a. approved b. applied c. appreciated d. accomplished 13. This bridge is too……….for cars. You’d better take another way. a. narrow b. wide c. little d. full
  7. 14. There is disagreement among educators as to whether the exams of this year are…….than those of the past. a. very difficult b. not as difficult c. more less difficult d. much more difficult 15. You need to do something……..your English as quickly as possible. a. to improve b. for improving c. improving d. so that to improve 16. As it was getting late, the boys decided to……..the campfire and crept into their sleeping bags. a. put up b. put off c. put out d. put on 17. Despite her difficult living condition, Marie Curie worked very hard and……..her ambition. a. obtained b. got c. realized d. reached 18. The general public…….. a large number of computers now, because prices are beginning to decrease. a. must buy b. must be buying c. must have bought d. must bought 19. Hoa’s bicycle, which was very beautiful, …….a few days ago. a. was stealing b. was stolen c. has been stolen d. stole 20. Unless you speak English, you…….to join the club. a. will be allowed b. will not allow c. wouldn’t be allowed d. won’t be allowed 21. The eyes of an octopus are remarkably similar……..a human being. a. to that of b. to those of c. with those of d. to 22. Kangaroos are native to Australia, and they are not found on……….. continents. a. any of the other b. any of the c. all of the d. any 23. People……..speed should avoid car racing. a. that is fear b. who fearing c. who fear d. fear 24. “What are you doing after school today?’ - “I’m not sure. May be I……around the city.” a. will go riding b. am going c. am riding d. go riding 25. Tom is studying hard so that he………all the exams. a. is able to pass b. will be able to pass c. cannot pass d. passes 26. ……..many other students in the school. Tim doesn’t enjo y rock music. a. Alike b. Unlike c. Dislike d. Unlikely 27. We all enjoy Tony’s companion. He’s………man. a. such a honest b. such honest c. a such honest d. such an honest 28. As the music was played, the audience began clapping and……to the music. a. to dance b. dancing c. being dancing d. having danced 29. ………has never been determined. a. Who built the stone circle known as “Stonehenge” b. The stone circle known as “Stonehenge” c. That the stone circle called “Stonehenge” d. There is a stone circle called “Stonehenge” 30. …………… long as it didn’t involve getting her hands dirty. a. She agreed to help him in the garden b. She refused to help him in the garden c. She didn’t want to help him in the garden d. She is willing to help him in the garden 31. ………….automatically gives out candy or other items when money is inserted a. A vending machine is a kind of robot salesperson who b. A vending machine is a kind of robot salesperson which c. Vending machine is a kind of robot salesperson which d. Vending machines is a kind of robot salesperson that 32. ……..Alex left the coffee bar and sent out to search for a taxi. a. It was not until midnight when b. It was well after midnight which c. Not until it was midnight that d. It was well after midnight when 33. …….., sheep were then used for wool. a. Having first domesticated for milk production b. Having been first domesticated for milk production c. Because they had been first domesticated for milk production d. Although they had first domesticated for milk production 34. …………that space exploration was impossible,
  8. a. Many people were used to believing b. Many people used to believing c. Many people used to believe d. Many people believe 35. …………..has become an increasing concern. a. Most fast-food meals are high in fat which b. Most fast-food meals are high in fat c. That most fast-food meals high in fat d. That fast-food meals are high in fat Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting. 36. Everyone ought to know the basic steps that follow in case of an emergency. 37. Sue’s mother is a hairdresser, but Sue is not interested in becoming it. 38. It announced today that an enquiry would be held into the collapse of a high-rise apartment block in Kuala Lumpur last week. 39. We should have played much better than we do. 40. The effects of wind and water in rock surfaces can often cause erosion. Choose the correct sentence with the same meaning as the given one in italics 41. happiness / not/ achieve/ according / one performance a. Happiness is not achieved according to one performance. b. Happiness not achieved according to one’s performance c. Happiness does not achieve according to one’s performance d. Happiness is not achieved according to one’s performance 42. big/ purpose/ studying / abroad/ be / see / more / world. a. The biggest purpose in studying abroad is to see more of the world b. The biggest purpose of studying abroad is to see more the world c. The biggest purpose studying abroad is to see more of the world. d. A biggest purpose in studying abroad is to see more of the world. 43. there/ be / no point / persuade . him / change / mind a. There’s no point to persuade him change his mind b. There’s no point persuading him change his mind c. There’s no point in persuading him to change his mind. d. There’s no point in persuading him to change mind 44. there / be/ no need/ you / bring / present a. There’s no need you bring a present b. There’s no need for you to bring a present c. There’s no need that you to bring a present d. There’s no need for you to bring present 45. manager / be suspicious/ shop assistant a. The manager was suspicious the shop assistant b. The manager was suspicious with the shop assistant c. The manager was suspicious of shop assistant d. The manager was suspicious of the shop assistant 46. Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon first. a. Neil Armstrong was the first step on the moon. b. It was Neil Armstrong who stepping on the moon first. c. Neil Armstrong was the first to step on the moon. d. Neil Armstrong was the first stepping on the moon, 47. “I’ll return it tomorrow afternoon.,” said Lucy. a. Lucy offered to return it tomorrow afternoon. b. Lucy said me she would return it tomorrow afternoon. c. Lucy agreed to come back tomorrow afternoon. d. Lucy promised to return it tomorrow afternoon. 48. Would you like to go out for a coffee? a. Do you fancy going out for a coffee? b. Do you feel like to go out for a coffee? c. What about a coffee outside? D. What do you want for your coffee? 49. My father couldn’t stand Tom’s behavior. a. My father found Tom’s behavior intolerant b. My father was tolerant towards Tom’s behavior c. My father found Tom’s behavior intolerable d. Tom’ s behavior was not tolerable 50. This question is even harder than the last one.
  9. a. The last question is not difficult b. This question is the most difficult one c. The last question is difficult but this one is more difficult d. This question is hard but the last one is not. Choose the word which best fits each gap of the passage. British parents are always complaining that their children spend too much time glued to the telly and not enough time on other activities ( 51)…….sports and reading. A survey recently ( 52)…..on people’s viewing habits does not disprove t his. It shows that young people in Britain spend on average 23 hours a week in front of the television, ( 53)……works out at over three hours everyday. (54)….is surprising , however, is the fact that the average adult watches even more: an incredible 28 hours a week. We ( 55)…… have become a nation of addicts. Just about every household in the country has a television and over half have two or more. According to the survey, people nowadays don’t just watch television sitting in their living- rooms, they watch it in the kitchen and in bed ( 56)……. . The education Minister said a few weeks ago that Britain’s pupils ( 57)…..spend more time reading. Unfortunately, parents are not setting a good example: adult do ( 58)……reading than young people. In fact reading is at the ( 59)……..of their list of favoring pastimes. They would ( 60)……..listen to the radio, go to the cinema or hire a video to watch on their television at home. 51. a. such b. like c. as d. alike 52. a. investigated b. researched c. carried d. carried out 53. a. that b. which c. this d. it 54. a. What b. It c. The thing d. This 55. a. seem b. ought c. used d. would like 56. a. in addition b. as well c. more d. moreover 57. a. might b. could c. should d. would 58. a. more b. less c. little d. fewer 59. a. tail b. top c. beginning d. bottom 60. a. better b. rather c. prefer d. like Read the passage and choose the best answer. In 1976, two American spacecraft landed on Mars in order to search for signs of life. The tests that the Viking Landers performed had negative results. However, scientists still have questions about our close neighbor in space. They want to investigate further into the possibility o f life on Mars. Scientists’ interest in the Red Planet is based on an assumption. They believe that 4.5 billion years ago, Mars and Earth began their existence under similar conditions. During the first billion years, liquid water- in contrast to ice- was abundant on the surface of Mars. This is an indication that mars was much warmer at that time. Mars also had a thicker atmosphere of carbon dioxide ( CO2). Many scientists think it is possible that life began under these favourable conditions. After all, Earth had the same conditions during its first billion years, when life arose. At some points in time, Earth developed an atmosphere which is rich in oxygen, and an ozone layer. Ozone ( O3) is a form of oxygen. The ozone layer protects the Earth form harmful ultraviolet light from the Sun. While life not only began on Earth , it also survived and became more complex. In contrast, Mars lost its thick atmosphere of carbon dioxide. Ultraviolet radiation intensified. The planet eventually grew colder, and its waster froze (…) Scientists believe there are other areas on Mars that are similar to specific places on Earth which support life. For example, an area on Antarctica ,southern Victoria Land, which is not covered by ice, resembles an area on mars . In its dry valleys, the temperature in southern Victoria Land averages below zero, yet biologists found simple life forms ( microorganisms) in rocks and frozen lakes, Perhaps this is also true of places on Mars. Scientist want another investigation of mars. They want to search for fossils, the ancient remains of life. If life ever existed on Mars, future missions may find records of it under sand or in the ice. Even if future missions discover no evidence of past or present life on Mars, the new missions may clarify our understanding of how life begins. Scientists will better understand the
  10. conditions that are necessary for the survival of life- on Earth or in the universe. They will look for the answers to other intriguing questions. How is the Earth different from Mars? How can we explain the development of life here on our planet and not on Mars, our close neighbour? Are we alone in the universe? 61. What is the main idea of the passage? a. Two spacecraft looked for evidence of life on Mars, but they were unsuccessful. b. Scientists are interested in the possibility that there is or was life on Mars. c. mars is quite similar to Earth but there is no form of life on it. d. Scientists are interested in how Mars is different from the Earth. 62. The phrase “our close neighbor in space” refers to………… a. the Viking spacecraft b.the Sun c. Mars d. people living on Mars 63. Which of the following statements is true? a. Mars is much older than Earth b. The Earth is much older than Mars c. Mars and Earth are the same age d. Mars was much warmer than Earth during the first billion years 64. According to paragraph 2, what form does the water on Mars have today? a. liquid b. solid c. gas d. We don’t know 65. What do CO2 and O3 in paragraph represent? a. chemical symbols b. abbreviations c. amounts of gases d. the elements of the atmosphere 66. According to paragraph 4, what are fossils? a. a source of fuel b. a part of natural resources c. the ancient remains of life d. the ancient remains of Martians 67. What is the purpose of the dash ( -) as used in the last paragraph? a. to add extra information b. to give a definition c. to give an explanation or example d. to connect two sentences 68. In the beginning , Earth and Mars were similar in that…………… a. liquid water was abundant on their surface b. Their atmosphere was rich in oxygen c. Simple forms of life arose on both planets d. They both lost their thick atmosphere of carbon dioxide 69. Which of the following is true? a. American spacecraft discovered life on Mars in 1976 b. Scientists do not want to investigate life on mars any more c. Scientists believe there is liquid water on Mars now d. Scientists believe they may find ancient remains of lire on Mars under sand or ice. 70. According to the passage, in the future scientists want to look for……… a. evidence of past and present life on Mars b. the conditions necessary for the survival of life o n Mars c. the explanation for the development of life on Earth but not on Mars. d. the answers to the environmental problems. It doesn’t take long to turn farmland into desert. American farmers found this out in the 1930s. They planted wheat in large areas of grassland in the south central United States. For a few years there was plenty of rain and lots of wheat. Then the rains stopped, as they often do in this dry region. The wheat dried up and the top soil turned to dust. Before long, it had all blown away in great dust storms. The area became known as the “Dust Bowl”. What happened in the Dust Bowl is a perfect example of erosion caused by modern farming methods. Top soil blows away more easily when it is no longer protected by grasses or trees. In ten years or less, several feet of good soil can disappear. And once it is gone, there is no way to get it back quickly. It may take from one hundred to a thousand years for new top soil to form. Unfortunately, it seems that farmers have not learned from the example of the Dust Bowl. In the United States alone, five billion tons of top soils are lost every year. Farmers continue to use the same destructive methods. They plant the same crops and use tons of chemical fertilizers.
  11. The situation in other parts of the world is even more serious. The total loss of top soil worldwide is 24 billion tons a year. Areas of the earth with a dry climate ( about one third of the planet) are hit worst. In these areas, about 12 million hectares of land are lost to agriculture per year because of erosion. In developing countries, this often leads to hunger and death. The recent history of one part of Africa, the Sahel, is a good example. In the 1960s and 1970s much good farmland was taken over for export crops. Such as sugar and cotton. Many people moved into the drier interior areas to grow their food. During that period, there was more rain than usual. Food and cattle production increased and so did the population. Before long, there were too many people in these areas. The land began to suffer the effects. It was no longer protected by trees, which had been cut down for firewood. The grass and bushes were gone, eaten by the cattle, sheep, and other animals. Animals manure was used for burning instead of for fertilizing the soil. Then came a long period of no rain. The ruined top soil quickly blew away. The Sahara Desert advanced in some areas as much as 100 kilometers. In other areas , the semi-desert land became completely unproductive. Now millions of people have no way to make a living. Many have died of hunger, while others have moved to the already crowded cities. The events in the Sahel were an important lesson for government offic ials and farmers around the world. But again , the lesson has been ignored. More and more people are hungry on our planet, but farmland continues to be ruined. 71. This passage is about……. a. the “Dust Bowl” b. how farmers can ruin the land. c. the problem of erosion around the world d. the loss of top soil in the African Sahel 72. According to the passage, the “Dust Bowl”………. a. is a naturally dusty area b. used to be desert c. was always green farmland d. used to be grassland 73. According to the passage, the dust storms………………….. a. started after farmers planted wheat b. were always present in that area. c. stopped when it rained d. brought lots of good top soil 74. The word it in paragraph refers to……… a. the Dust Bowl b. this dry region c. the dust formed from the top soil d. the great dust storm 75. The word destructive in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ………. a. causing serious damage b. scientific c. old- fashioned d. new and effective 76. We can infer from this passage that chemical fertilizers……….. a. help keep the top soil b. help destroy the soil c. do not have any effect on the soil d. are not used much by American farmers. 77. The problem of erosion is worst in…… a. the central United Sates b. the desert c. Africa d. the dry regions of the world 78. We can infer from this passage that one important factor in the Sahel disaster was the…… a. international demand for export crops b. expansion of the Sahara Desert c. worldwide change in climate d. lack of good top soil in Africa 79. The top soil in the Sahel was ruined by…… a. the planning of export crops b. the effects of too many people and animals c. too much manure from cattle and sheep d. too much rain for too many years. 80. many people in the Sahel died of hunger because…….. a. there were too many sheep and cattle b. there were terrible dust storms c. there were no trees for firewood d. the land was no longer any good for farming.



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