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Trade in China

Xem 1-13 trên 13 kết quả Trade in China
  • Book "Business writing in Chinese" letter describes the common commercial communication, trade promotion, speech and commerce business letter writing, help learners master the knowledge-commerce in China, learning, commerce Practical use of commonly used terms, and words and written format, to use Chinese the degree Trading Practical Writing. Book is divided into four units, a total of 31 classes, each class of directing, Liwen, common language by example, writing exercises several parts.

    pdf262p kimphuong1122 16-08-2023 18 5   Download

  • The thesis concentrates on measuring the benefits and losses of implementing regional trade agreements. In particular, the thesis analyses trade flow changes, foreign direct investment inflow changes, industrial total factor productivity changes and specific commodity trade flow changes in Australia and China. Four empirical studies are undertaken.

    pdf463p runthenight04 02-02-2023 4 2   Download

  • In this thesis, we will address the following questions: (1) Is Shenzhen stock market efficient? (2) What is the most common violation of market efficiency in the Shenzhen stock exchange? (3) Is noise trading strategy profitable in China? (4) Can fundamental factors explain noise trader risk in Shenzhen stock market? (5) Can finance fundamentals explain overreaction, underreaction or IPE? (6) Do other factors such as financial crisis, seasonality and market sentiment affect noise trader risk?

    pdf377p runthenight04 02-02-2023 6 3   Download

  • In an effort to make sense of the trade war between the USA and China, the paper draws the insights from the two international relations theories – i.e. hegemonic stability theory and power transition theory.

    pdf11p cothumenhmong11 06-05-2021 13 2   Download

  • Since the intense US-China trade war and the global outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, multinational companies’ tendency to diversify production activities and disperse their foreign direct investment (FDI) out of China became more visible. In this context, Vietnam has the opportunity to become a new global manufacturing hub.

    pdf10p larachdumlanat129 14-01-2021 29 2   Download

  • The important year of 1995 marked Vietnam’s first integration as a member of ASEAN. By 2016, Vietnam had negotiated, signed, and implemented sixteen free trade agreements. They include both multilateral and bilateral free trade agreements such as the China-ASEAN, VietnamChile, and Vietnam-Japan agreements. By signing free trade agreements Vietnam can increase trade flows in bilateral and multilateral developed-country FTA scenarios.

    pdf15p truongtien_08 06-04-2018 56 3   Download

  • Turtle trade is a long-term conservation problem, which drives many turtle populations in Vietnam to the brink of extinction. In this study, we conducted interview surveys in three northern provinces in Vietnam, including Bac Kan, Quang Ninh, and Tuyen Quang between 2013 and 2015 to investigate the scale and trend of turtle trade in Vietnam. The results of the study show that the prices of most species increased alarmingly during the study period, probably due to the rarity of the species and the higher demand from China.

    pdf9p nguyenvanhoangvnu 12-06-2017 54 5   Download

  • In India, small kingdoms gave way to a series of empires that unified the region and took advantage of India's position along major trade routes. Similarly, ancient Chinese dynasties unified the large population and expanded the Chinese empire. This chapter includes contents: Early civilizations in India, new empires in India, early Chinese civilizations, rise and fall of Chinese empires.

    ppt157p tangtuy05 01-04-2016 57 7   Download

  • The years from 400 to 1500 in Asia were marked by periods of invasions and civil wars, interspersed with periods of unification, expanding trade, and economic prosperity. The topics discussed in this chapter are: China reunified, the Mongols and China, early Japan and Korea, India after the Guptas, civilization in southeast Asia.

    ppt149p tangtuy05 01-04-2016 63 10   Download

  • The Ming emperors restored China to greatness. They were succeeded by the Qing dynasty, which ruled until 1911. Japanese unification began in the sixteenth century. Although Korea attempted to remain isolated, it fell under Chinese rule. Europeans struggled to control the profitable spice trade in Southeast Asia.

    ppt119p tangtuy05 01-04-2016 49 6   Download

  • Macadamias varieties grown commercially were developed from Macadamia integrifolia and Macadamia tetraphylla. These are just the kind of commercial macadamia industry and the world based on grafted varieties and 2 of this type. Industry and Trade of Australia's most planted Hawaiian M.integrifolia type, in China, South Africa and New Zealand grown mainly of M. tetraphylla. In general, the world market more popular because of integrifolia kernels whiter color.

    pdf121p xau_la 10-02-2012 95 14   Download

  • Tea has existed as a beverage since 2000 B.C. The brewing, serving, and drinking of tea are time-honored rituals throughout the world. While there is general agreement that the tea trade began in China, both China and India lay claim to discovering the dietary properties of tea leaves. The Chinese tell the story of a mythical emperor named Shen Nung who was so particular about his nutrition that he boiled his drinking water before he drank it. One day, the story goes, the wind caught some of the leaves on the tree branches that he had used to build a fire.

    pdf7p phanquangthoai 14-11-2010 430 113   Download

  • China stands front and center in the congressional debate on climate change, due to that nation’s contribution to global emissions and competitiveness in global trade. With its large population, rapidly expanding economy, and heavy reliance on coal, China now shares the lead in global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions with the United States. China’s GHG emissions are expected to continue growing in the years ahead based on projections of continuing rapid economic growth.

    pdf32p vantrungtran 01-02-2010 126 11   Download



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