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Đề thi tham khảo Môn: Anh Văn – Mã đề 022

Chia sẻ: Thanh Cong | Ngày: | Loại File: PDF | Số trang:8

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Tham khảo tài liệu 'đề thi tham khảo môn: anh văn – mã đề 022', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

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Nội dung Text: Đề thi tham khảo Môn: Anh Văn – Mã đề 022

  1. Đề thi tham khảo Môn: Anh Văn – Mã đề 022 I. Pronunciation: 1. a. comb b. cone c. bone d. sonnet --> d 2. a. pattern b. smart c. cart d. palm --> a 3. a. flirt b. skirt c. irritate d. shirt --> c 4. a. grand b. grant c. sand d. band --> b 5. a. agency b. agent c. gene d. detergent --> c 6. a. name b. lava c. bla me d. la me --> b
  2. II. Find the mistake: 7. Could you locate the person which wallet you found? a. Could b. the person c. which d. found --> c 8. I made the soup by mixing a few meat with some rice. a. made b. mixing c. a few d. so me -->c 9. A good teacher makes her students to view the world from new perspectives. a. makes b. her c. to view d. from --> c III. Grammar and Vocabulary: 10. "I brought you some apples from my garden." "Thank you. They're ................. nice apples." a. so b. as c. such d. t oo c 11. The children (sleep) ................. by the time we get home. a. will sleep b. will be sleeping c. are sleeping d. sleep -->b 12. "What is that book about?" "It's based ................. the life of a fa mous writer." a. in b. on c. from d. for b 13. He hurried back ................ he would not be late for the film they were showing on TV. a. so as to b. in order to c. so that d. nor
  3. --> c 14. Hoa hoped ................. to jo in the English speaking club. She wanted to practise speaking more fluently. a. inviting b. being invited c. to invite d. to be invited d 15. He kept quiet about his troubles with the police .......... worry his wife and family. a. so as not to b. so as to c. to d. in order to -->a 16. I can't afford ................. a minute. a. lo sing b. to loose c. to lose d. my lo sing c 17. He dyed his beard ......... avoid being recognized. a. so that b. so as not to c. to d. all are incorrect -->c 18. "What should I tell the tailor?" "T he shirt needs ..................." a. to shorten b. shortening it c. shorten d. to be shortened d 19. .......... improve her German, she went to Germany. a. In order to b. To c. So as that d. Both a and b are correct --> d 20. Annie phoned to tell me that she couldn't come tomorrow because he ................. to the seaside with her family. a. had gone b. was going c. could go d. went b
  4. 21. He hasn’t got a job, ............... has he got a small house. a. nor b. so that c. so as to d. to --> a 22. She told me that she ................. my brother a week before. a. had seen b. saw c. would see d. has seen a 23. They all passed their exams wit hout the slightest .................... a. difficult b. difficulties c. difficulty d. both b and c are correct --> c 24. "Those dolls of various co lors are very artistic." "Yes, they ................. in Russia." a. were painted b. were paint c. were painting d. painted a 25. "Where did you get this o ld pen?" "I ................. it under the desk." a. was found b. finding c. found d. have been found c 26. Have you ever tried (swim) …………….. across this river? a. swim b. swimming c. to swim d. swam --> b 27. He was busy packing, for he (leave) ……………. that night. a. was leaving b. left c. had left d. has left --> a 28. The wo man wanted to fly to Hano i. ................. to take him there. a. She wanted the pilot b. She wanted
  5. c. The pilot she wanted d. The pilot the wo man wanted a 29. .............. to look at old family photographs. a. It’s fun b. It has fun c. There is a fun d. There is funny -->a 30. Either Jack or Peter ............. the door unlocked. a. have left b. has left c. leave d. to leave b 31. I want to know if there are ............ sweets left in the tin. a. plenty b. any c. much d. a litt le --> b 32. I enjo y my life here. I have ................ friends and we meet quite often. a. a litt le b. a few c. few d. little b 33. The window was shut and he ........... to open it. a. did even not try b. tried not even c. even didn’t try d. didn’t even try --> d 34. A hybrid generally refers to a plant ................. from two different species of plants. a. creating b. that creates c. created d. was created c 35. If we stop at Venice, I hope to have time to .......... an old friend o f mine. a. look up b. look down c. look after d. look into -->a
  6. 36. Her husband, ................. I think is about fifty years old, is a manager. a. who b. who m c. which d. whose a 37. I suspect he isn’t honest. I think he is quite ............... a. honest b. honesty c. dishonest d. dishonesty -->c 38. The more he slept, ………………. he became. a. the irritabler b. the better irritable c. the most irritable d. the more irritable d 39. This arrangement isn’t strictly legal. So me people would regard it as ................. a. legal b. legally c. illegal d. illegally --> c 40. He as well as I ................. tired. a. are b. is c. am d. be b 41. Such a situation is barely imaginable. It’s quite ................... a. imaginable b. unimaginable c. unimaginative d. imagination -->b 42. He was ........................ he could not continue to work. a. very tired that b. such t ired that c. too tired that d. so tired that d 43. Bob is not very capable. He is ……........ of making sound decisio ns. a. capable b. capability
  7. c. incapability d. incapable -->d 44. "Call me if you want me to help." "I will. I'm thankful ................. your help." a. for b. about c. with d. t o a 45. This fish hasn’t been cooked enough. It’s ................... a. cooked b. uncooked c. overcooked d. cook -->b 46. If she ................. yesterday, she would co me here with us tomorrow night. a. finished it b. finishes it c. had finished it d. has finished it c 47. He has been working in the garden all the afternoon, ……………. makes him tired. a. that b. this c. which d. what --> c 48. I talked to Tom yesterday. I thought he wanted to know about my cat, but I misunderstood him. He asked me where ................., not my cat. a. is my hat b. my hat was c. my hat is d. was my hat b 49. He is said (return) ………………. from Canada recently. a. having returned b. to have returned c. to return d. return --> b 50. "Is the performance almo st over?" "I think so. A lot of spectators .................. to leave." a. is beginning b. are beginning c. begin
  8. d. have beginning b



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