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Đề thi tham khảo Môn: Anh Văn – Mã đề 026

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  1. Đề thi tham khảo Môn: Anh Văn – Mã đề 026 I. Pronunciation: 1. a. monster b. cone c. pond d. bond --> b 2. a. sense b. nonsense c. cent d. bend --> b 3. a. sugar b. lunar c. bullet d. lotus --> d 4. a. cloth b. clothe c. close d. pose --> a 5. a. hour b. sound c. soul d. cloud --> c 6. a. illusio n b. versio n c. pensio n d. tensio n --> a II. Find the mistake: 7. I won’t permit nobody to make a mess in my house. a. won’t permit b. nobody c. to make d. in --> b 8. Jack denied that he has been invo lved in the decisio n not to attack the ene my positio n. a. denied that b. has been invo lved c. in d. not to attack --> b 9. She said that she was supposed being in German this weekend. a. said b. was supposed c. being d. in --> c III. Grammar and Vocabulary:
  2. 10. I don't think this room needs cleaning. It doesn’t need ....................... a. to clean b. to be clean c. to be cleaning d. to be cleaned d 11. ………….. daily pro motes physical as well as emotional well-being in people of all ages. a. Having exercised b. Those who exercise c. Exercising d. For exercising c 12. There were many teachers at the meeting, several of ....................... were going to retire. a. that b. which c. who d. who m d 13. Albert couldn’t get the ……......... of his opponent no matter how hard he tried. a. better b. superiority c. victory d. best --> a 14. In summer, he often spends most ................... his t ime ................... the water. a. of / in b. of / on c. with / on d. both a and b are correct d 15. Mr. Carr .......... the ‘No parking’ notice and proceeded to park his car. a. disbelieved b. rejected c. ignored d. avoided --> c 16. …………… the 35 years between the end of the Civil W ar and the turn of the century, the population of the United States doubled, and manufacturing productio n increased seven-fo ld. a. Into b. In c. At
  3. d. To b 17. Would you mind standing .......... for me and teach my French c lass to morrow afternoon, Jean? a. up b. down c. out d. in -->d 18. "Can I help you?" "Yes. I'm keen ............... buying so me flour." a. in b. on c. for d. b y b 19. To be a good guitarist, you must ............ for an hour or more every day. a. prepare b. repeat c. practise d. instruct --> c 20. Pantomime refers to a short drama in which ............... words are spoken. a. never b. not c. no d. none c 21. Although Sue ........... us she would come to the party, she did not. a. offered b. promised c. agreed d. swore --> b 22. ............... have you visit ed this cit y? - Several times. a. How many t imes b. How many c. How much d. How a 23. And finally here’s a ............ of today’s sports news. a. round-down b. round-off c. round-on d. round-up --> d 24. Physics ............... my favorite subject when I was at school.
  4. a. were b. was c. is d. be b 25. I hurried to ............ Barbara so that we could discuss some of the new plans as we were walking. a. come up with b. overtake c. catch up with d. reach up to --> c 26. This is the first time I have seen this car. Where ...............? a. did it make b. did it made c. was it make d. was it made d 27. This morning I was fined 20p because I didn’t keep my dog under ................ a. control b. command c. obedience d. orders --> a 28. ............... have they been watching the film? – For nearly two hours. a. How much b. How often c. What time d. How long d 29. The doctor allo wed him to go home on ............. that he remained in bed. a. order b. conditio n c. promise d. account --> b 30. I was ………….. with the film. I expected it to be much better. a. disappo int b. disappo inting c. disappo inted d. disappo int ment c 31. Even though Chip was neat and well-groomed, he was slightly unattractive in .............….. a. outlook b. appearance
  5. c. look d. expressio n --> b 32. You can send me a letter if you want to, but your phone call is ............... for me. a. enough good b. good as enough c. good enough d. good than enough c 33. I ............ forgetting his name. What’s he called? a. keep b. tend to c. am usually d. always --> a 34. Daisy ............... early when she lived in the countryside. a. has got up b. gets up c. will get up d. used to get up d 35. The Glasgow to London train, due to arrive at 1700 hours, is reported .............. approximately 20 minutes late. a. to be running b. running c. run d. t o r un --> a 36. I remember .............. her before, but I have forgotten her name. a. to meet b. met c. meet d. meet ing d 37. Why don’t you operate your new CD player by .......... control? a. remote b. gadget c. battery d. high-tech --> a 38. "Our business is .............." "Really? Now we have to make a report on it." a. doing b. made c. to made d. done
  6. d 39. We sat down to a ........... meal. a. four-coursed b. four courses c. four-course d. four course’s --> c 40. .............. her bad leg, she couldn't walk so fast as the others. a. Because b. Because of c. The reason d. Since b 41. I’m afraid this vase is anyt hing but antique; in fact, it’s .................... a. pointless b. worthless c. meaningless d. hopeless --> b 42. If I .............. for an accounting fir m, I would be working in a post-office. a. wasn't working b. worked c. hadn't worked d. weren't working d 43. I am ................ aware of the need to obey the rules of the co mpetition. a. much b. far c. well d. greatly --> c 44. Today, many serious childhood diseases .................... by early immunization. a. are preventing b. can prevent c. prevent d. can be prevented d 45. I didn’t want to discuss the matter but he insisted on bringing it ................. a. over b. out c. about d. up --> d 46. When .............. in international trade, letters of credit are very convenient. a. used b. are used
  7. c. using d. they used a 47. …………. “cultural diffusion” refers to the spread of customs or practices from one culture to another. a. To phrase b. Phrased c. To the phrase d. The phrase d 48. Henry, .................... threw that stone, will be punished. a. who b. whose c. which d. who m a 49. When it was so hot in the office, he ............ his tie. a. left b. let c. slackened d. loosened --> d 50. There is alwa ys .............. traffic in the city center at rush hours. a. strong b. full c. heavy d. many c



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