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Đề thi tham khảo Môn: Anh Văn – Mã đề 027

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Nội dung Text: Đề thi tham khảo Môn: Anh Văn – Mã đề 027

  1. Đề thi tham khảo Môn: Anh Văn – Mã đề 027 I. Pronunciation: 1. a. clergy b. error c. energy d. perish --> a 2. a. born b. bo ne c. torn d. port --> b 3. a. normal b. pork c. organ d. note --> d 4. a. eight b. height c. weight d. freight --> b 5. a. cunning b. cushio n c. funnel d. funny --> b 6. a. ocean b. method c. pose d. close --> b II. Find the mistake:
  2. 7. Sandra said that she would like to be in one of that teacher’s class. a. said b. would like c. to be d. teacher’s class --> d 8. My cousin is studying English. She started to learn it three years ago. She had studied English for two years. a. is studying b. started to learn c. had studied d. for two years c 9. She is worried with failing her final exam in physics. a. is worried b. with failing c. final d. in b III. Grammar and Vocabulary: 10. You will not pass the exam .............. working harder. a. unless b. if c. without d. although c 11. “T hat letter,” he said, “is ................ with me.” a. to do nothing b. nothing do to c. to nothing do d. nothing to do --> d 12. Trace minerals are …………….. elements needed in greater quantities. a. as important to healthy hu man tissue as b. most important to healt hy human t issue c. to healt hy human tissue as important d. important to healthy human tissue a 13. Be careful of ............. when you cross the road. a. the traffic b. the traffics c. a traffic d. traffics --> a 14. If you are too tired, we could have a .............. of tennis after lunch.
  3. a. match b. play c. game d. party c 15. I like to go for a holiday ............. my wife. a. without b. less c. except d. unless --> a 16. They don't know .............. about Chinese lit erature. a. lots of b. little c. much d. a litt le of c 17. He asked me if there was ........... bread for all the sandwiches I had to make. a. correct b. enough c. plenty d. equal --> b 18. In the past, most people believed that the world's resources could never be used ........................ a. up b. all c. who le d. at all a 19. My father has a very ........... temper and often says things he regrets later. a. angry b. quick c. warm d. fast --> b 20............... swamps is necessary to reclaim land. a. Drainage b. Draining c. Draining of d. Drained --> b 21. Do you mind telling me if you have any electric typewriters ...................? a. in stock b. in order c. in supply
  4. d. in store --> a 22. He was so furious that he was being .................... a. made use of b. put a stop to c. taken account of d. made fun of d 23. Because of his confusing argument, ............ people understood it. a. many b. clever c. less d. few --> d 24. Anxiety about uncontrollable situat ions is thought to cause …………… a. to fitfully sleep b. fit ful sleep c. fitful in sleep d. sleep fit fully b 25. If you want, look at this ……………. catalogue. a. valued b. cost c. priced d. worth --> c 26. The tender plants need protection against the cold weather. a. easily da maged b. precious c. industrial d. growing on farms a 27. This wet weather has lasted for a month now; ............ rained every single day. a. there has b. it has c. there was d. it was --> b 28. Parisians left the left-hand side clear for the movement of the papal carriage. a. drawn by horses b. driven on the left c. carrying children d. of the Pope d 29. In spite of a large number of students, each one receives ............... attention.
  5. a. alone b. only c. individual d. single --> c 30. Surgeons use lasers as scalpels. a. medicines b. satellites c. knives d. birthmarks c 31. Paul is very set in his ways, but Richard has a more ............ attitude to life. a. changeable b. moveable c. flexible d. fluid --> c 32. The inco me of Vietnamese people is about 200 dollars ................... a. a man a year b. a year a man c. a person a year d. a year a person c 33. The success of his new book has made his reputation be ............. greatly . a. expanded b. heightened c. enlarged d. enhanced --> d 34. ................... is expecting a baby. a. A friend of me b. One o f my friend c. A friend of mine d. My one friend c 35. Have you changed your mind again? I wish you’d at least be ................. a. constant b. congenial c. compat ible d. consistent --> d 36. - S1: I .................. an English course now. - S2: How long .............. English? - S1: For two years now. a. am go ing to take / were you learning b. am taking / had you been learning c. have been taking / did you learn
  6. d. am taking / have you been learning --> d 37. These wo men were appo inted by the managers and are ........... only to them. a. dependable b. accountable c. privileged d. controlled --> b 38. The facilities of the older hospital .............. the new hospital. a. is as good or better than b. are as good or better that c. are as good as or better than d. are as good as or better than those of d 39. A managing director cannot expect to have mu ch t ime to ......... to purely personal matters. a. devote b. reserve c. concentrate d. spare --> a 40. Each of you .................... a share in the work. a. have b. has c. having d. going to have b 41. My daughter loved her little cat but showed surprisingly little ............ when it died. a. sentiment b. emot ion c. invo lvement d. sympathy --> d 42. Your personality is important .................... the success of your work. a. for b. in c. to d. o n c 43. Depressant drugs ………….. historically have been known to be addictive are called narcotics. a. and b. which c. they d. about which
  7. --> b 44. ………… categorized as lipids. a. Fats and also oils b. While fats and o ils c. Fats and oils are d. Fats and oils c 45. I tried phoning, but the line was constantly .................. a. occupied b. engaged c. used d. full --> b 46. Don't let a good chance go ...................... a. on b. off c. by d. over c 47. When he finally ............ , he couldn’t remembe r what had happened. a. stood back b. came round c. held back d. wore off --> b 48. It is unreasonable to regard any language as the possessio n of a particular nation. a. speak b. use c. consider d. communicate c 49. Christine must confess that she was ............. herself with rage. a. above b.
  8. outside c. beyond d. beside --> d 50. Some children are keen on a particular occupation. a. jo b b. game c. sport d. schoo l a



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