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Đề thi tham khảo Môn: Anh Văn – Mã đề 030

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Tham khảo tài liệu 'đề thi tham khảo môn: anh văn – mã đề 030', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

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  1. Đề thi tham khảo Môn: Anh Văn – Mã đề 030 TEST 30 I. Pronunciation: 1. a. tutor b. visitor c. origin d. doctor --> c 2. a. lane b. stay c. flame d. crash --> d 3. a. both b. moth c. pole d. stone --> b 4. a. palm b. ball c. stall d. small --> a 5. a. belt b. smell c. depth d. clerk --> d 6. a. bean b. earn c. clean d. cheat --> b II. Find the mistake: 7. Luther Burbank earned the funds to go west by sale his new ideas about gro wing potatoes. a. the funds b. go west
  2. c. sale d. about c 8. When the second World War, almost a third of a millio n people were killed. a. When b. almost c. of d. were killed a 9. They will check my blood eight weeks from now to see how good I’m responding to the treatment. a. will check b. from now c. how good d. responding to c III. Grammar and Vocabulary: 10. ……………….., business managers plan the tasks that their emplo yees are to carry out. a. It is the organizing process b. They process the organizing c. W hile the organizing process d. Through the organizing process d 11. On hearing the bad news, he broke ............... completely. a. away b. down c. in d. out --> b 12. The ................ give s the pat ient his medicine twice a day. a. butcher b. nurse c. operator d. pianist b 13. The dog felt very ............ and wanted to go back toward the fire. a. disillusio ned b. deceived c. disappo inted d. cheated --> c 14. She remembered the correct address only ................ she had posted the letter. a. since b. afterwards
  3. c. follo wing d. after d 15. The townspeople were a lways so well-behaved and ............ that the police had an idle life. a. systematic b. scrupulous c. meticulous d. orderly --> d 16. Reme mber to return the toys on the she lf. a. put aside b. put on c. put down d. put back d 17. I was surprised. I asked my mother if I could borrow her car and she ............. “Yes”! a. spoke b. told c. said d. talked --> c 18. This is the skirt ............... I like best. a. where b. that c. when d. who b 19. John’s about the same height as his father, but in very other respect he takes .......... his mother. a. after b. up c. on d. from --> a 20. There is a bus ..................... just outside my house. a. station b. quay c. stop d. start c 21. Did you ............ anything at the casino yesterday? a. gain b. win c. earn
  4. d. take --> b 22. I've been looking for this book for months and ................ I have found it. a. at last b. in t ime c. at the end d. at present a 23. Peter is ........... of making excuses for his impoliteness to his friends. a. tired b. worried c. anno yed d. angry --> a 24. I'll meet you outside the ..................... pool. a. swim b. swimming c. sport d. football b 25. Betty .......... to being a bit worried about making her speech. a. asserted b. acknowledged c. confessed d. granted --> c 26. The mother put a rug ………. her sleeping child. a. over b. in c. on d. at a 27. I love the countryside, especially ............. summer. a. in b. of c. at d. under --> a 28. Is Brown, ................ works I respect highly, still a doctor? a. which b. whose c. what d. who's b 29. She .............. regretted having told a lie. a. bitterly
  5. b. severely c. fully d. awfully --> d 30. How ................ since we ................ school? a. are you / left b. have you been / have left c. were you / left d. have you been / left d 31. He had his camera .............. fro m his car in the office car-park. a. robbed b. stolen c. lost d. missed --> b 32. ................ you agree, nothing can be arranged. a. Unless b. W ithout c. Because d. Lest a 33. Fuel prices have been ............. steadily for at least ten years. a. raising b. rising c. lift ing d. growing --> b 34. Scientists believe that the beaver’s instinct to build dams is more complex than …………… other animal instinct. a. most b. all c. any d. these c 35. Don’t talk …………..! a. rot b. ruin c. waste d. rest --> a 36. It is not ………… that we treat our friends badly. a. right b. fit c. possible d. capable
  6. --> b 37. They can sleep at my flat as long as they ................ stay for more than twenty days. a. wouldn’t b. didn’t c. shan’t d. don’t --> d 38. He apologized for opening my handbag but he ............ it for his. a. recognized b. confused c. mistook d. imagined --> c 39. A good friend will ........... you when you’re in trouble. a. stand against b. stand out for c. stand by d. stand --> c 40. Michael was not agreeable to explain the reason .......... his absence. a. that b. why c. of d. for --> d 41. The who le nation was ………….. in arms against the invaders. a. up b. out c. in d. o n --> a 42. His brother can’t stand televisio n and is a lwa ys ............ the disappearance of the art of conversation. a. grieving b. la ment ing c. complaining d. talking --> b 43. I could no longer stand the ........... and flung the door open. a. expectation b. suspense c. foresight d. imaginatio n --> b
  7. 44. If travelers want to fly during the New Year holidays, they............. their reservations well in advance. a. had better to get b. had better get c. had to get better d. had better got --> b 45. Jim says, “My present job does not provide me with enough ............... for my organizing abilit y.” a. space b. scope c. capacity d. range --> b 46. Edward took over the supervisor’s job, ............ when Mr. Carr retired. a. left b. empt ied c. vacated d. resigned --> c 47. My teacher’s very amusing, and I like his ........... of humor. a. meaning b. feeling c. mind d. sense --> d 48. I was .......... of sleeping by myself. a. anxious b. worried c. afraid d. troubled --> c 49. We ........... until supper-time although we had only been invit ed for lunch. a. stayed up b. stayed on c. stayed out d. stayed in --> b 50. Children praised for their work are always ......... on to do better. a. encouraged b. approved c. inspired d. spurred -->d



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